Healthy Links

Friday, March 2, 2012

Adam's Peak

A 1000 apologies to my 10 The Healthy Press Subscribers that I took February off from Blogging... L & I went on a relaxing holiday to the Maldives & Sri Lanka. Relaxing at least until the last day when we hiked one of Sri Lanka's tallest mountains: Adam's Peak!!

A pilgrimage for Buddhists & Christians alike who believe this hill to be the location of man's first step. An opportunity, for me, not to be missed. So we awoke at 2am in attempt to reach the peak before sunrise... 5200 steps in 3 hours later we were at the top making a nominal donation to the monks at the top in exchange for 2 white bracelets signifying With God!!

We started the decent watching the sunrise over the surrounding hills and lakes!! I understand why the locals make this annual pilgrimage... The experience was Truly Spiritual!!

In standard THP Fashion of course I wore my heart rate monitor. From the accent to the peak it took 2 hours & 25 minutes with an average heart rate 125 bpm. Inserting my Magical Conversion the hike was aerobically equivalent to running a Half Marathon!! I burned 1400 calories...

I lived in Colorado & Arizona both of which have beautiful mountains which I miss greatly. Hiking is an amazing and healthy way to spend a day surrounded by nature. So if you live in the foothills; lucky you!! If you live in the city... 2 words; Road Trip!!

Check Out National Geographic Top 10 World Hikes!! I've done 3 :)

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