Healthy Links

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Juice Tomato

Growing up I've always loathed the taste of V8... But the second I had my first spicy Bloody Mary my opinion changed. Tomatoes just have something about them that I can't put my finger on. I seem to enjoy them more every time I have Tomato & Mozzarella Salad or Naked Pizza!! But we're here to talk about Juice right...

In my 5th installment of the Juicing Series I am not going to list out all the Health Benefits but rather really focus on its amazing role as an antioxidant...

Before I get into the details I just want to note that Tomatoes do not contain the highest percentage of antioxidants compared to say Kale or Spinach but they do have Lycopene; which is technically a carotene, a super carotene which deserves an entire blog post in itself. 

  • Cancer Fighter: Powerful Defense against men's most common Prostate Cancer
  • Heart Disease: Prevents LDL Cholesterol from depositing in you blood stream
  • Potent Antioxidant: More powerful than beta-carotene, great immune boosters
  • Cell Strength: Builds strong cell membrane  and repairs damaged cells; anti-aging
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Won't prevent diabetes but proven to decrease susceptibility to cardiovascular disease and heart attacks
  • Natural Sunscreen: Magically blocks UV rays but only equal to an SPF 3

Lycopene has also been described a Free Radical Scavenger constantly protecting your body's Lipids and cells against germs and infections... 

Sounds like sort of a Nutritional Superhero if you ask me :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Juice Cucumber

I have to admit that #4 of the Juicing Series is by far most refreshing Vegetable Juice!! Along with a multitude of Health Benefits I highly recommend to Juice Cucumber... Keep Reading :)

  • All the Vitamin B Will Offer a Boost of Energy
  • Balances Electrolytes to Reduce Body Temperature
  • Natural Silica Builds & Maintains Muscle Tissue
  • Quick Detox Drink & Excellent Kidney Cleanse
  • Vitamins & Antioxidants Relieve & Repair Dry Skin
  • Rich in Potassium to Help Regulate Blood Pressure
  • One More... Pickles!!!! 

After writing that I wish I had a lawn to mow; just so after I could relax with the smell of Freshly Cut Grass in the air & a refreshing Electrolyte Boost in my hand!!

Check out some other great uses for Cucumbers!! They're cool as a Cucumber hehe...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Juice Ginger

OK... #3 in the Juicing Series and no I am not referring to Performance Enhancing Drugs. I'm on about Good Old Fashion Natural Beverages made with, in this case, roots... Juice Ginger!!

I'd recommend to be mix Ginger with other juice but even in small quantities benefits are huge:

  • Aids Stomach Aches & Digestion Problems
  • Apparently Helps Cramps You Know When
  • Ginger is a Germ Fighting Immune Booster
  • Instant Energy! or at least a Great Placebo?
  • Pain Killer for an Alternative Medicine
  • Ginger Tablets help prevent Sea Sickness

The best combination I've found is with Cucumber & Lime which I call Sweet & Spicy... but feel free to add it to all your favorites!! It usually adds a kick...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Juice Beetroot

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of Juice Stuff!! Today we'll talk about the Amazing Beetroot!! Now before I jump right into it there is a disclaimer... Beetroot Stains!! Not only teeth and clothing but just be warned what goes in red may leave a similar color. Now that I've successfully grossed out all 17 of my dedicated readers here's why you should Juice Beetroot!!

  • Juice with the greens for Fiber, Magnesium & Copper
  • Beets are packed with Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, & C
  • Loosens calcium deposits and cleans Arteries
  • Anemic?? The Iron strengthens Red Bloods Cells 
  • Mix with Carrot Juice to cleanse the Kidneys
  • Like Celery, Beets normalize Blood Pressure
  • Lubricates Skin, Arteries & Prevents Varicose Veins

Beets were supposedly grown in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon almost 3000 years ago so you know they are doing something right!! Obviously these fantastic powers also translate to cooking and use in salads... But don't overcook as they can loose their essential nutrients. 

So Turn Up the Music & Enjoy the Beet!! hehe

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Juice Celery

Juice Celery is the first of many installments about the wide spectrum of ingredient options for juice mainly outlining the health benefits behind each. Celery, for example, was always considered in my book as quite a useless vegetable with minimal to no taste... I guess the whole "you burn more calories chewing celery than you consume" concept clouded the reality that "celery is full of vitamins and minerals" some of which outlined below with the amazing health benefits:

  • Refreshing drink on a hot day or for fever as it lowers body temperature
  • Filled with Potassium, Iron, Calcium & Muscle building Amino Acids
  • High in essential antioxidant Vitamin A as well as B6 & C
  • Balances your body's pH levels to regulate body functions
  • Proven to lower LDL Cholesterol; the Bad Cholesterol
  • Research shows Celery helps prevent 8 types of Cancer
  • Natural appetite suppressant & low calorie snack substitute
  • Celery is an Anti-Inflammatory providing relief for arthritis
  • Great Detox & Diuretic; ideal body cleanse after a night out

Go Celery... Get Those Free Radicals & Toxins!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Our Incredible Juicer

It was a Big Day in the lives of L & E... We bought a Juicer!! So we raided the produce section to start experimenting!! Our first concoction consisted of the following... I call it The Ginger Hulk!!

 - Fresh Spinach: Nuval Score 100

 - Green Apples: Nuval Score 96

 - Cucumbers: Nuval Score 93

 - Parsley: Nuval Score 99

 - Ginger: Nuval Score 87

We even made a homemade Tomato Soup from roasted Garlic, Onion & Tomatoes... Fresh Juice is a quick, easy and surprisingly filling snack or breakfast idea jam packed with all sorts of essential vitamins and nutrients!! Super excited about the possibilities mixing Fruits & Vegetables!! Some great ingredients I am looking play with:

 - Beetroot: Nuval Score 99

 - Blueberries: Nuval Score 100

 - Pomegranate: Nuval Score 91

 - Celery: Nuval Score 100

 - Lemon & Mint: Nuval Score 99

 - Red Peppers: Nuval Score 99

 - Jalepeno Peppers: Nuval Score 99

 - Bananas: Nuval Score 91

 - Grapefruit: Nuval Score 99

 - Kale: Nuval Score 100

 - Kiwi: Nuval Score 100

 - Carrots: Nuval Score 99

Check out the links to learn more about the Health Benefits of each Ingredient!! I strongly recommend for anyone interested in Healthy Living or Mixology to get one...

Happy Blending!!