Healthy Links

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Non-Diet

I have been trolling around with an idea ever since I did an Body Composition Assessment a year ago. My BMR current around 1800 calories not including workouts and I always try to breakdown my meals to get as close to the mark as possible but, as everyone can agree upon, controlling exactly what food you eat is not easy and counting calories is no fun!!

Additionally, many fad diets focus on a specific food which doesn't necessarily burn fat as desired. The basics to fat burning is simple:

  • THP FIT TIP #11: Burn more calories than you consume if you want to burn fat

So here's the plan... Target to consume 1200 to 1400 calories per day spread over 4 meals equally spaced starting as soon as you wake. My schedule:

  • Wake Up 7am: 2 Hardboiled Eggs & 1 Buttered Toast = 330 Calories
  • Midday Snack 3pm: Do it yourself Trailmix: 6g Cashews, 6g Almond, 15g Dried Apricots, 15g Peanut M&M, 10g Raisins & 15g Granola = 300 Calories
  • Dinner 7pm: Mushroom, Garlic & Lean Beef Bleu Cheese Burger on a Whole Wheat Bun = 390 Calories
  • Go to sleep at 11pm: Drink lots of Water throughout the day, it helps digestion!

Theoretically you can eat anything ie carbs, protein or fats to makeup the calorie count so mix it up. Just be cautious that eating processed foods may change the function of your liver to breakdown Chemicals instead of the natural food used in the all the recipes above!! 

And remember that unused protein flushes out of your system where carbs are stored as fat. On days I lift I'll add a protein shake or two make sure my muscles are not being depleted instead of the desired fat loss... I estimate that for every week you follow the above you'll loose about 1 pound of fat.

  • 600 calories burned per day = 75 grams of fat or 0.165 lbs x 6 days = 1 pound of fat

We're going to start blogging some Healthy 300 Calorie recipes especially Ripe Vegetable Salads. Stay Tuned & Stay Healthy!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chimichurri Lamb Chops

Since L & I move to Dubai we've been to about a dozen Argentinean Steakhouses and always get the same thing: Chef's recommendation on the Cut with an Amazing Cilantro based sauce called Chimichurri... Mixed with some lean Lamb Chops, Zucchini Chips & Fresh Bruschetta!!

Recipe is as follows (measurements estimated after a few glasses of wine):

  • A Handful of Parsley
  • A Handful of Cilantro
  • Four Pressed Garlic Cloves
  • Three Tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • A Couple Dashes Red Wine Vinegar
  • Salt, Pepper & Red Pepper Flakes to Taste

Brush some of the sauce onto the lamb and fire up the grill!! The sauce is extremely flammable so keep a distance eye on the meat so they don't burn... 

Add pressed garlic and basil to fresh cut Tomatoes with a splash of olive oil on Healthy Bread, sliced zucchini baked with olive oil; again Salt & Pepper to taste on the lot!! The Chimichurri Sauce goes on the Lamb after its off the grill but heck, feel free to mix it with everything...

Chimichurri Lamb Chops are probably not our lowest calorie recipe but it's fresh and local and probably the most delicious meal my Fiance has ever made for me. Enjoy!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Healthy Chipotle Chicken Salad

After I graduated from College I moved to Phoenix and our office was right across from the Biltmore, we used to go to Cheesecake Factory about once a week. I was 23 at the time, enjoyed working out however knew nothing about nutrition and thought "Ummm Salad, Thats Healthy!!" 

The Barbeque Ranch Chicken Salad was my absolute favorite and looking back my body probably didn't feel the same as my taste buds. With 959 Calories, 4g of Saturated Fat, a whopping 741mg of Sodium and 0g Protein; how a Chicken Salad can have ZERO grams of Protein baffles me. 

After a Massive 4th of July BBQ on Friday we decided to take it easy on Saturday, watch some Friday Night Lights and reinvent the Classic Chicken Salad... Healthy Press Style:

Start with the Salad
End with the Dressing
  • 2/3 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 2 Fresh Squeezed Limes
  • 1/3 Cup Finely Chopped Fresh Cilantro
  • 1 Tablespoon Nando's Peri Peri Sauce
  • 2 Finely Chopped Jalapeños with Seeds

The original recipe from Nutmeg Notebook claims 4 servings... But Laura & I finished it all quite easily. Chicken can be either be shredded or cubed depending on personal preference. And last word of advice, mix the dressing in slowly and leave a bit on the side in case you want leftovers. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Laura's Workout Ways

Laura & I have been pretty good about going to the gym over the past year however we decided to step up our game considering we are in a wedding in Atlanta in less than a month. Motivating her is quite different than motivating myself, trying to offer advise to my wonderful Fiancé can sometimes become emotional.

"Are you going to make me Hot & Skinny?" were her exact words... Trick Question!!

So we decided to document the plan: 4 weeks working out 30 - 45 minutes 5 days a week with limited equipment at the gym. Start simple and work our way up.

Day 1: Legs
  • 50 Walking Lunges
  • One Legged Squats
  • One Legged Calf Raises
  • Wall Sits Between Lifts
  • 15 Min Run at 5º Incline
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: Core
  • 2x THP Ab Workout
  • Romanian Deadlift
  • One Arm Dumbbell Snatch
  • Head up to keep your back straight
Day 4: Cardio
Day 5: Arms
  • Tricep Dips on a Bench
  • Incline Seated Bicep Curls
  • Dumbbell Military Press on a Bosu Ball
  • 50 Girl Pushups :)
  • 10 Min High Intensity Run
We will let you know how it goes!! Enjoy...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer Ripe Box Recipe

So L & I are addicted to Ripe Local Organic Vegetable Boxes we pick up each weekend from Dubai Garden Center filled with Fresh Amazingness... I can't think of any better way to describe it. This week received Cucumber, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Zucchini, Onion, Squash, Red Pepper, Eggs, Mushroom, Green Pepper and Watercrest. The baked Zucchini Chips we made last night were exceptional.

Following a full workday and decent Multidisciplinary Workout including the newly added One Legged Deadlift we quickly threw together an amazing meal from our Ripe Box!! 100% Whole Wheat Pasta with a homemade Vegetable Sauce topped with Mozzarella Cheese and Basil. The Sauce drastically exceeded my expectations, recipe is as follows:

  • 3 Tomatoes
  • 1 Red Pepper
  • 2 Eggplants
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 12 Mushrooms
  • Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Red Pepper Flakes

If you live in Dubai or Abu Dhabi definitely check out one of the Ripe Markets otherwise I'm sure you'll be able to find some great local markets in your neighborhood!! Can't wait until next weekend!!